Chapter 40: Currents of Creation
“It's just seaweed, is all.” “It's a river, idiot. Whoever heard of seaweed in a river?” “Fine, river weeds, you oaf. But you're dimmer...
Chapter 40: Currents of Creation
Chapter 39: The Lone Self
Chapter 38: Echo of the Innocent
Chapter 37: Stormroar
Chapter 36: The Final Word
Chapter 35: The Unvanquished
Chapter 34: Katabasis
Chapter 33: Where the River Bends
Chapter 32: The Abjected
Chapter 31: Perdition
Chapter 30: The Dying Light
Chapter 29: The Haunting of the Hellcat
Chapter 28: Spellbound
Chapter 27: Valedictory
Chapter 26: Of the Broken
Chapter 25: Practice Wordplay
Chapter 24: Hammer of the Witches
Chapter 23: All Flesh is Grass
Chapter 22: Inglenook
Chapter 21: The Malkin Dress